Holiday Inn Hotel– Anhembi – São Paulo, Brazil
MAY 16-19, 2012
MAY 16-19, 2012
We invite you to submit abstracts to the 8th International Conference on Clinical Ethics and Consultation.
The central theme of the conference is Clinical Ethics and Diversity. One core philosophical question is whether or not there is a sole canonical method for clinic ethics which might resolve ethical issues in every institutional scenario. Some believe that a method of universal human rights or even a method based on common morality will yield such a basis. Others recognize that there are multiple moral communities that provide normative moral foundations for health care decisions. Furthermore, the concrete and particular values within these communities are so complex and important that they should be taken into account. Beyond these broad questions, there are differences that emerge from law and custom as well as differences in the processes and procedures of health care institutions that make the provision of ethical advisory services more complex than it is commonly envisioned. The central theme of this conference, therefore, involves considering and understanding how these differences shape clinical ethics and to what extent do these differences affect the normative foundations of the field and its future development.
GoalsThis conference aims to promote the development of the field of clinical ethics and clinical ethics advisory services internationally, as well as to foster, under an interdisciplinary focus, reflections and debates on a wide range of questions touching on the central topic. To do so, the conference will involve specialists and experienced professionals from several fields of knowledge in key roles. It is important that discussions and debates within the conference do not concentrate on the individual agendas of particular institutions or professional societies, but rather should aim for a broadening of perspectives on the field of clinical ethics and consultation, both in theoretical and practical spheres.
The 8th International Conference of Clinical Ethics and Consultation, in developing the central theme of Clinical Ethics and Diversity, thus requests that abstracts submitted offer contributions to this theme directly or in terms of nine large topics, listed below, upon which the approved abstracts will be grouped. The sub-themes are:
- Ethics Consultation and Ethical Decision Making in the Health Care
- Cultural, Ethical, and Religious Diversity in Clinical Ethics
- Education for Ethics Committees and Consultants
- Matters of Care at the End of Life
- Ethics Consultation and Ethics Committees
- Influence of Cultural, Ethnic and Religious Commitments in Clinical Ethics Consultation
- Methodology in Ethics Advisory / Counseling Services
- Principles of Clinical Ethics and Consultation
- Research on Ethics Consultation and Clinical Ethics
Please note:
- Accepted abstracts will only be placed on the program after the complete registration of the author(s) in the conference.
- The deadline for the reception of the abstracts is December 15th, 2011.
- Accepted abstracts will only be placed on the program after the complete registration of the author(s) in the conference.
- The deadline for the reception of the abstracts is December 15th, 2011.
Abstracts should be submitted at the conference website: Information on the meeting, including registration, program, lodging, and other details will be regularly updated
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