Doctor (Squared)

Interesting blog name. Has a thing a thing about Grey's Anatomy. (I would pick Meredith over Izzie too. There's just something about her...) An interesting life with lots of driving and near death experience at 449th mile out of 450 miles.

Doctor (Squared) also has a Virtual Pet on her site. Something I've never seen before. Cute

Ghost World

She (almost) a 4th-year medical student. She like coffee, when people leave her comments, and sleeping 9 hours at a time. She dislike most dogs, watching surgeries, and cold weather. That about covers it, or so it says on her page. Sarah from Ghost World just recently got married. There are interesting points and you can almost relive what she's thinking and going through and it's not think-breath-sleep medicine like some med students.

I guess by the end of 4th year they put you on anti-student pills so the world isn't shocked with what they've done with you once you come out.

DB's Medical Rants

DB's Medical Rants is a collection of rants and philosophical articles on Medicine. Started blogging way back and took inspiration from Medpundit (Which just recently retired (hopefully temporarily) from medical blogging due to time constaints.

An interesting and informative blog and not so comical as the previous one. I encourage for people to spend a minute or two in there.

Ah Yes, Medical School

Every now and then I drop by Ah Yes, Medical school for an interesting read about a Jewish medical student who is constantly on the lookout for attractive Jewish girls (Click link if interested).

He seems to hate anesthesiology and is currently refraining from going mad (although most would probably consider him already lost to the sea of craziness) while doing time at a psych clinic or something like that.

He also took a shot at Grey's Anatomy, a show I like must none-the-less agree that it might be a little too unreal.

Mexico Medstudent

It's been a while since anything happened here. Way too long. Don't know why, I have no excuses. Exams are in 9 or so days here in BiaƂystok but that won't deter me from my ever so humble goal of mainting this blog.

So here's the latest entry in a long time. Mexico Medical Student from all the way in Mexico. Currently in the process of shopping for stuff for a baby, has interesting opinions and posts about...ummm...stuff. I'm sure you'll find it interesting. Give it a lookin'
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